Project 2: Icon

 Fictional Company Icon 

I created this logo to represent a lighting company. I chose the desk lamp because of its shape and how well it surrounded the logo of the globe. I thought, shining the light on earth was a good idea as it represents the whole world being brighter as they purchase products from the company. The text "Brighter World" symbolizes the light that comes from the desk lamp. the word "World' I chose to direct it towards the globe instead of the audience because to me it made it feel like the light and/or message was more directed towards earth itself.  For the words I chose a wider font as it was able to surround more of the circle's circumference. Before realizing the final logo on illustrator I made a sketch using Procreate...

As for reference images, I sketched the lamp using my desk lamp and as for the globe I used the reference above.  


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